XII. Glossary
The following is a list of abbreviations used in this user guide and their meaning.
ATPHA = Air Transport Provider Holding Account (ATPHA); a registry account held by an air transport provider.
FPHA = Fuel Provider Holding Account; a registry account held by a fuel provider.
GHA = General Holding Account; a registry account held by an aviation customer or a market intermediary.
LPHA = Logistics Provider Holding Account; similar to GHA, a registry account held by a logistics provider.
CB = Certification Body; an independent organization of auditors that assesses if a SAF producing facility or SAF supplier meets the requirements of a sustainability certification scheme.
RA = Registry Administrator; a superadmin operating the platform and approving company and user registration, as well as SAFC/SERC management.
SAFcA = represents the unbundled environmental attributes of 1 metric tonne of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF); retired by or on behalf of air transport providers; represent Scope 1 emissions reductions claims of air transport providers.
SAFcE = may be created 1:1 for SAFcA that are being used for voluntary purposes; SAFcA that are used for compliance purposes may not have an accompanying SAFcE. SAFcE are tied to specific SAFcA and represent Scope 3 (indirect) emissions reductions claims.
CR = Company Representative; a natural person legally authorized by a company to open, access and close its accounts and appoint, manage, and remove the authorized representatives of these accounts.
AR = Authorized Representative; a natural person acting on behalf of a company and carrying out actions on an account held by the company.
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