Account Privacy
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When you initiate a transfer on the SAFc Registry, you can choose the receiving account from a list of all active accounts on the registry. Each account's name, type, ID, and owning company is displayed on the "Transfer to" screen:
For privacy reasons, some companies would prefer to obscure the names of their accounts and company in the "Transfer to" screen and to only display their account type and ID to other users.
To accomplish this, Company Representatives can opt their company into a new feature called "Name privacy" by navigating to the Company information tab and selecting Change name privacy settings. You can tell if your company has already enabled this setting on the company tab:
Enabling Name privacy hides the names of your accounts and company in the "Transfer to" screen but the account type and ID remain visible:
Anyone wishing to transfer SAFc to your hidden accounts will need to know their ID number (they can easily search by ID in the search bar) so make sure your partners know this if you opt into this privacy setting.